• Soothing The Savage Self

    Transforming your negative self talk into Loving Courage 

    broken image

    The Masterclass will use various techniques to help you learn, including group and individual reflection, to cater to all learning styles.

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    Here's what others are saying about Emergence with Fran

    "I came to see Fran for some guidance. I liked the look of her. But the thing that I particularly liked was her passion for supporting women traversing their mid-life. I wanted a warm, kind and wise soul to hold my hand and walk with me through the places that I needed to explore so I could move with a bit more confidence into the next phase of my life. I didn’t want to be someone who’s prime years had passed. Instead I wanted the feeling of being a midlife woman stepping into her power. Wouldn’t anyone?!


    There’d also been a recent period where both my body and mind had decided that they didn’t like the status quo and wouldn’t be co-operating any longer. A time when powering on through was definitely not an option. And I’d had to learn a new operating system. The old one was shot. But learning to go easy on yourself, to be as gentle and kind as you would with a dear friend, can go against a lifetime of conditioning. We can be very harsh on ourselves and it takes a skilful guide to help us remedy that.


    So, I asked quite a bit of Fran. We went to many places and covered a whole lot of ground in our time together. But I also rested very deeply with her. I felt both nourished and nurtured. And safe, and alive to all the many possibilities. And more in tune with myself and where I want to go than I have been in a long time. So I do recommend her to you. Go and see her, she will look after you."

    Jodie H

    A Free Masterclass in in Reclaiming Your Inner Voice

    Friday April 19 - 11am AEST


    Saturday April 20 -11am AEST

    Are you being terrorised by the savage beast of negative self - talk?  

    Is it destroying your confidence? 

    Isit stopping you from doing things that you would really long to do? 

    Is it sabotaging you at work? 

    Is it stopping you from going for that promotion or when you do, ensuring you don’t get it? 

    Are you saying yes when you’d really like to say no. 

    Are you in a pattern of making sure everyone else is ok whilst you are literally falling apart? 

    Sounds like your survival strategies are running your life. 


    Humans are very good at adaptation. We’ve been doing it since forever. Often, the voices in our heads we consider to be negative are learned patterns of survival
    and adaptation. Not many of us had sublime childhoods and if we did our school life would soon show us how tough life and others can be. It’s very rare, nigh on impossible that all of our needs were met in the way that we needed them to
    be. So we learn to adapt, in order to be safe, to be welcomed, to belong, to be loved, to be accepted, to be appreciated. Most importantly to survive. The challenge is that these adaptations are not the true essence of you and they start to get in the way of you fully expressing yourself and living a life of your own choosing. 

    Do you long to be yourself? To even know who she really is? 

    To wear that outfit, 

    To get that hairstyle, 

    To quit that soul sucking job, 

    To say no, 

    To put your own needs first? 

    And to find the joy, the peace and the freedom of knowing yourself and being unapologetically, authentically you? 

    I imagine you might be asking yourself right now, how can I do that?  Is it even possible?

    During Soothing the Savage slef you begin to take this heroines journey. 

    In this journey, however, you don’t slay the savage beasts, you learn to befriend them, 

    To finally lay down your sword and stop being at war with yourself.

    You learn to soothe the savage beasts and by offering them loving self –compassion, you befriend them so that you can take what’s good from them and ensure that they are no longer roaring at you. You get to transform their
    roaring into a passion for your own self worthiness.